„How can I help you?” No. 2: Schedule 05/04/2019 Martyna Kunda It is getting warmer and warmer behind the window and the Easter, May Day and Corpus Christi are not far […]
„How can I help you?” No. 1: Debtors List 28/03/2019 Martyna Kunda Debtor is a word that gives many people sleepless nights. Particularly if our client is one of them, and even […]
LangLion FAQ – short answers to questions that niggle you 20/03/2019 Anna Ćwiklińska For several years, once in six months on average, we in LangLion have been sharing an anonymous survey through the […]
6 elements of a modern website of a language school 14/03/2019 Martyna Kunda Your website is usually the place where a customer encounters your offer for the first time. Students go there […]
We are changing the LangLion! Winter updates of our Platform are coming 28/02/2019 Martyna Kunda As we always do on quarterly basis , we are returning to you with an article being part of LangLon […]
7 tips how to organising a professional online language course 12/02/2019 Martyna Kunda Preparing a professional e-learning lesson is not an easy task. Perhaps so far you have remained at the stage when […]
Why does a business client choose a given language school? 28/01/2019 Martyna Kunda You will certainly think in the first place about specialist courses, location, customized approach or teaching curriculum. All those elements […]
7 reasons why your students fail to register online and they do so in the school’s secretariat 22/01/2019 Anna Ćwiklińska I have been working with language schools already for 7 years now and I can see how much the language […]
How to attract excellent teachers who will remain with us for years? – Talkers’ case, part 2 of 2. 15/01/2019 Martyna Kunda We warmly encourage you to become familiar with the second, final part of the text written by Wiktor Jodłowski – […]
How to attract excellent teachers who will remain with us for years? – Talkersi case, part 1 of 2. 08/01/2019 Martyna Kunda How can we create an effective employer branding? This is a question anyone running own business keeps asking themselves. What […]