Works in LangLion are not slowing down so – as we already declared on Monday – we are coming back to you with an article about novelties we have introduced. As you might have already noticed, a completely new Student’s Panel appeared at the end of the previous week. What are the origins of that decision and what exactly has been changed? Read on to find the answers!
What is most visible at first glance, the Panel’s appearance is completely new. Starting from the „Dashboard” and going then successively to remaining tabs, we relied first of all on a modern look and transparency of the content. The absence calendar and schedule disappeared. This is a deliberate move, letting us to leave the most important contents on the main page. Others were moved to properly assigned tabs. We try to update every aspect of our Platform on ongoing basis, to make it as intuitive in use as possible.
The interface of the page is as responsive as possible (matched to the size of the device on which it is viewed, e.g. phone, tablet), which – and we make it clear – is another step towards a mobile application, which many of you look so much forward to. At the same time, it is a harbinger of such application, so be patient because another novelty is likely to appear soon 🙂 .
A previously missing element in Student’s Panel was the option to add an avatar or own profile photo. It suffices to click on the full name in the Panel’s left top corner. After clicking, the “click or drop file” option will be displayed, allowing us to choose one of available avatars or to add any photo. We may add a photo by dragging a file into the assigned field or – after clicking on that field – we may choose any image from the disk.
Going then to “Marks” tab we can see that besides the a previously available percentage grade, a new function appeared also here. From now on, we have the possibility to check statistics, i.e. how our grade compares to average value for the group and grades of other participants. Below, you can also see time axes, which we can use to check how our result and grades as well as number of received grades change with time.
The changes introduced in “Attendance” tab consist in breakdown of information into particular courses. Now, upon clicking on that tab, one can see percentage bars showing attendance and statuses of participation in a given course.
Changes have been also made to the last tab – „Payments”. Now in the upper part of the page, we can see at once what amount for classes has been already settled and how much altogether remains to be paid by us until the end of the course’s duration. Next to the list of instalments to be paid, also statuses highlighted with various colours appeared: paid, partly paid, and overdue payment. Owing to such functionality, we can see at once how much and for which invoice we have to pay first.
We are aware that the present Student’s Panel is something completely new for you, but we are certain that once you become well acquainted with the introduced changes, it will prove to be simple and user-friendly. We are continuously improving its certain aspects, such as e.g. the student’s contract. Please be patient, because everything will be available soon. As I have already mentioned earlier, changes are necessary to introduce the long-awaited mobile application. And we hope the final outcome will meet your expectations.
Remember, you can always turn to us with questions by writing to: support@langlion.com or phoning at: +48 799 010 338.