Autumn Updates in LangLion 01/12/2022 Martyna Kunda Based on your suggestions and requests, we tested and implemented some of them so intensively that a few novelties have […]
Is it worth advertising on Facebook? Latest Updates 2022 02/11/2022 Martyna Kunda „Advertising is the key to business success” is a phrase that does not lose its relevance. The only thing that […]
[WEBINAR] Language courses for companies – how to create an offer that will make you stand out from the competition. 07/10/2022 Martyna Kunda More and more schools around the world are choosing to offer language courses for businesses. We believe this is an […]
Summer updates on the LangLion Platform! 29/08/2022 Martyna Kunda Calendar summer is in full swing, and here it is buzzing like a beehive, just like in your secretariats. You’re […]
[WEBINAR] Get ready for the new school year with LangLion! 17/08/2022 Martyna Kunda In a moment, you will start another semester at your language school. The secretary’s office boils like a hive, and […]
How to use SEO in a language school in 8 steps? 01/08/2022 Martyna Kunda The SEO issue like a boomerang returns yearly, but the difference is that it always comes in a slightly different […]
Free E-book „The language school in times of pandemic – reaching maximum effectiveness and improving sales” 08/06/2022 Martyna Kunda June is the time for language schools to summarize and complete the next semester of study, and long-awaited summer rest […]
New calendar in LangLion! What will change? 31/05/2022 Martyna Kunda We have prepared another novelty for you, which will soon appear on our Platform. This is a new calendar which, […]
First LangLion updates in 2022 15/03/2022 Martyna Kunda The end of the holiday means only one thing – the start of new semesters in language schools. While your […]
Everything about lead conversion and why it should be important to you 31/01/2022 Martyna Kunda We have already written about leads and how to run the entire sales process well HERE. However, when we consider […]