How to avoid burning sales leads? 27/08/2020 Anna Ćwiklińska Acquisition of sales leads is the main goal of a majority of marketing actions, but this is just the beginning […]
CRM in a language school 20/08/2020 Anna Ćwiklińska Do you think your school is too small to bother about the implementation of another tool? Do you think this […]
Customer Relationship Management – managing the customers, controlling the sales activities and an online toolkit 13/08/2020 Martyna Kunda We are just starting the second module of our cycle! In the first module, we wrote about tools facilitating acquisition […]
Google Analytics – how to create, how to use it, how to read the data and why it is a must-have of any language school 10/08/2020 Martyna Kunda As the owner of a language school you know very well that when undertaking any actions (whether related to sales […]
Instagram has the power – creating, developing your school’s account, and reaching new recipients 28/07/2020 Anna Ćwiklińska If you are looking for new channels to reach customers and you have no Instagram profile, it is high time […]
Everything you need to know about a website and solutions worthwhile to apply 15/07/2020 Martyna Kunda The COVID-19 pandemic shed completely new light on how language schools function. Recent months have demonstrated the enormous importance of […]
How to create a Google Business Profile? Step-by-step guide 09/07/2020 Anna Ćwiklińska Imagine a situation like this: Emily, your potential students, searches language schools online by location because she would like to […]
Enhance your online visibility – everything on how to make yourself stand out against the plethora of other language schools’ offers 29/06/2020 Martyna Kunda Online marketing has been with for almost 26 years already, so this is a relatively young area compared to other […]
A language school in the times of pandemic – reaching maximum effectiveness and improving sales 24/06/2020 Martyna Kunda We are officially launching the first article in the cycle! We know that sometimes the plethora of information related to […]
If you know less…you get the shorter end of the stick – what a good manager should remember, part 2 17/01/2020 Martyna Kunda In the previous part of the article, we focused mainly on management strategy and relations in the team of your […]