Your language school and Pokémon GO 03/08/2016 admin You’ve probably seen some posts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram regarding this new phenomenon – a mobile app Pokémon Go. […]
Webinar: Refresh your school with new technology 25/07/2016 admin This free Webinar will show you how our software can change your business. Increase the number of registrations, evaluate your […]
Webinar recording: DOs and DONTs of the web design for language schools 22/07/2016 admin Watch our latest Webinar and learn about what to remember about when designing or refreshing a web site. You will […]
Recording of the Webinar: How to attract and retain customer with LangLion Platform 27/06/2016 admin See our latest Webinar in English and learn how to use LangLion to shorten the registration process, increase the number […]
Outdoor lesson for your students 24/06/2016 admin It’s almost the end of the semester, and your students are less motivated because they can’t wait until they go […]
Let your clients find you in Google – a short SEO story 13/06/2016 admin Can you really be sure that the potential customer, looking for the „best language school in Berlin” will find exactly your […]
How to easily create a mailing list? 18/05/2016 admin E-mail marketing is still one of the most effective forms of selling, but not the only one. Well thought through use of […]
Recording: Boost your revenue with Facebook 19/04/2016 admin Last Thrusday 14.04.2016 Michal Krochecki hosted a Webinar about how to use Facebook for marketing purposes. If you could not […]
5 common mistakes when managing a Facebook fan page 08/04/2016 admin Many people responsible for marketing in smaller and larger companies believe that you just have to be on Facebook. Period. Generally an […]
You too can be a great salesman 25/03/2016 admin Regardless of the profile of the language school, your main goal is customer acquisition and find new sources of revenue. You run […]