After New Year’s updates, the time has come for winter news! There are not a lot of them but all are related to the functions we described before so it is worthwhile to know them! Are you curious about what has changed? We come with answers 😉
One-time passwords
In the previous post related to updates (if you have not read it, you must catch up by clicking HERE) we wrote that owing to broadly understood security concerns, we changed how we provide access data to your students. As a consequence of those changes, one-time passwords have appeared. They were introduced to guarantee the best possible protection of students’ data.
A one-time password is a password replaced after the first use for account access authorization. It appears in the Students – General tab upon the creation of a new account. Having received the login data, a student logs in using the obtained data and immediately replaces the password with a new one of their choice. Owing to this, they have certainty nobody except them and people they shared the password with will have access to their profile.

How do you provide the password to a student? And what if they forget the password to their account? You will learn everything you need to know from the guide HERE.
An external SMTP server
Another new element that appeared on our Platform is the option to use our own, external SMTP server. Owing to this change, instead of mailing@langlion.com, system e-mails will be sent from your own authorized email address. Currently, this change concerns sending of access data, mailings, and sending of financial documents. After the change of e-mails appearance, this is another step towards resolutions of cases on undelivered messages or messages being trashed into spam. All of this aims to make the batch e-mails sent to your students reach their recipients. 😉

You can read HERE how to add an external SMTP server.
Mailing autocomplete
While we are on the topic of mailing, it is also worthwhile to mention that now it suffices to write only once the sender’s e-mail address and name, and during the next sending those data will be loaded automatically. Small but smart 😉

If you want to learn more about the creation and sending of mailings, I recommend looking HERE.
System history
New functions have also appeared in the system history. From now on, the core pieces of information visible in the system history will also include:
- users’ logging in cases,
- changes and resets of student’s password.

You will learn HERE what else you can check using the system history.
Universal payment import template
Recently we have introduced more banks into the list of payment imports and consequently, there are already 16 banks on the list! This time we have introduced a universal template allowing for imports of payments regardless of which bank you have an account in. See how you can obtain the required file by clicking HERE.

Last minute bonus!
The request appeared to make available a maximum value that can be achieved for a given grade next to each awarded grade in the teaching history of the Student’s Panel. W acted instantly, and from now on we have changed how the grades are displayed as you requested. Owing to this change, it will be easier for a student to interpret the achieved results.

Remember that all the time we are open to your questions and ideas! You can send your proposals about blog posts to the following address: marketing@langlion.com. If you have any doubts related to the LangLion Platform’s function, we are available at the following address: support@langlion.com.