Not so long ago we signed the first contract and this month LangLion is already seven years old. It’s amazing how the time flies! On this occasion we decided to prepare an entry that will help you to get to know us better. Throughout all those years a lot has changed but we still remember very well the beginnings. Here are 7 facts you did not know about Langlion 🙂
1. In the beginning, we were supposed to be named…Orwell!
No, this is not a joke. We were thinking about the name for a long time and eventually, we decided we should write our ideas down and later present them to the rest of the team. Each entrepreneur knows that coming up with a perfect name is a non-trivial challenge. Such name must not only be likable but also needs to charm us from the first moment and make us not want to part with it. And that was the case of Orwell, which charmed one of us to the extent that parting with it was not an option. Luckily the rest of the team swiftly decided there was no future for that relationship and during a brainstorming session the LangLion was suggested as the name and it charmed us to the extent we are going to stay with it forever.
2. Wherever we go, the lion goes with us.
This must be already a fatal attraction, but unfortunately we have to face the truth. Even on holidays we think about LangLion so intensely that we find a lion in every corner of the world. It doesn’t matter if we are in hot Spain or on an Alpine peak, and the gallery below speaks for itself 😉
3. To visit one LangLion user we had to cover the distance of 12403 km!
It’s mind-blowing that after 4 years of it operations LangLion reached as far as Argentine! Academia Interactiva is the furthest located from our office school using our Platform already for 3 years. The second furthest is Bristol Academy base in Kuala Lumpur, which joined us a year later. Thank you for being with us! 😍 To visit LangLion’s users in Malaysia, we would have to cover the distance of 9101.43 km!

4. Students added to LangLion would fill 5 Camp Nou stadiums!
Camp Nou is a footbal stadium in Barcelona, that can accomodate 99354 people! This makes Camp Nou the biggest stadium in Europe and one of the biggest stadiums in the world. Taking into account that LangLion’s students would fill 5 such stadiums, this makes us the most popular Platform for management of language schools!
5. Schools that have been with us since the very beginning

Seven years is a lot of time, but we still have among users of LangLion the schools that have been with us since the very beginning. From here we wish to thank you sincerely for being with us and supporting us since the very start. It is mostly you who have contributed to development of our Platform by writing to us for those seven years about how LangLion works and this helped us to develop it constantly. We want to thank you and wish both ourselves and you more years spent together. Below you can find a list of the schools that have been with us since the first months of the existence of LangLion:
- English College
- CONVERS Centrum języków obcych
- Multi Soft Lingua School
- Ośrodek Nauki Języków Obcych SAS
- Centrum Języka Francuskiego VOILA
- Lingua Nova
- Pygmalion Szkoła Języków Obcych
- Sieć Szkół Językowych NACZYŃSCY
- Szkoła Języków Obcych BACALARUS
- EnglishPlus
6. The longest unresolved dispute in LangLion
People who have been following LangLion for a longer time know how the Platform and LangLion’s team have changed. Throughout all those years, the only invariable thing has been the unresolved dispute between Ania and Patryk. As they both have an Instinct for rivalry and aspiration to win, whenever they have time after working hours they try to determine… who is the better player 😀 Yes, the console in our office is perhaps not the oldest, but with such an intensity of exploitation, in the amount of hours worked can soon be matched by Nintendo of the first generation The rivalry is fierce and as you can infer it often lasts until the result for a given day is different than a draw. We slowly start to think that perhaps we should start taking bets 😉
7. LangLion is available in 6 different languages!
LangLion likes travelling and appearing in various countries. It has settled permanently already in 20 countries worldwide and it has appetite for more. In this connection, as befits a Platform for language schools, it is available in as many as 6 different languages:
- English
- Polish
- Spanish
- Russian
- French
- German
How do you think, is the 7th birthday a good time to think about the seventh language version of LangLion 😉 ?

If you don’t want to miss the news appearing at LangLion, useful articles concerning the running of schools or behind-the-scenes curiosities of the LangLion’s life, follow us at Facebook @langlion and at Instagram @langlion_platform. We are waiting for you!